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Reading Bible

What is the Bible
composed of?

66 books

39 in the Old Testament

27 in the New Testament


The Old Testament:

  • 5 Books of Law -- Genesis to Deuteronomy. As God set apart His people  He gave them commands for how to live, worship, and govern.

  • 12 Books of History -- Joshua to Esther

  • 5 Books of Poetry/Wisdom -- Job to Song of Solomon

  • 17 Books of Prophecy -- Split between major and minor prophets


The New Testament:

  • 4 Gospels

  • 1 History (Acts)

  • 1 Apocalyptic (Revelation)

  • 21 Epistles (Paul's Epistles - 13 Books [9 written to churches and 4 to individuals]; General Epistles - 8 Books)


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